
About us

    1. To study the Mehri language using scientific methodological methods.
    2. To enrich Arab and world libraries with diverse scientific studies and research on the Mehri language, literature, heritage and history.
    3. To raise awareness of the language heritage and history of the Mehri human being and to instill a culture of preservation and development.
    4. To organize scientific conferences, seminars and other cultural events that are concerned with Mehri cultural .
    5. To benefit researchers and students in the field of language, literature, and everything relevant to the region in various areas of science.
    6. To collect local, Arabic and foreign studies and research on the Mehri language and literature, and historical and cultural heritage.
    7. To translate foreign studies and research that concerned with Mahra land and people
Vision & Mission
To highlight the language, literature, heritage and culture of the skilled, leading to universality.
Mission :
To collect, document and study the historical and cultural heritage of the language, and demonstrate it on reality.
About us
Based on our belief in the importance of preserving the Mehri language, and in keeping it alive, in view of the linguistic and cultural legacies of the skilled, land and human beings, it has been necessary to establish the Mehri Language Centre for Studies and Research, which is responsible for documenting the Mehri language in writing, speaking and researching what has been written in Arabic or foreign languages about Mehri history.
The Centre is concerned with research areas related to Mehri tongue internally and externally. It is a non-governmental, community-based scientific research institution that keeps pace with the demands of the times and seeks to develop strategies that serve society.
The Centre’s work is run through coordinated groups, various sections, a working and specialized staff and collaborates with similar institutions of common interest.

Latest News

The poet and writer Haj Ali Dakoun Receives A shield from  Mahri Language Center for Studies and Research

The poet and writer Haj Ali Dakoun Receives A shield from Mahri Language Center...

Center Media - Al-Ghaydah December 27, 2022 In a visit described as a mission, the
The Mahri Language Center Congratulates the researcher/ Safia Al-Sulaimi on Her Obtaining a master's degree  in  Arabic language

The Mahri Language Center Congratulates the researcher/ Safia Al-Sulaimi on Her ...

The Mahri Language Center for Studies and Research congratulates the researcher / Safia Issa Musallam






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We commend the achievements of the Mehri Language Center for Studies and Research and the achievements of the Center selected local authority leadership in AL Mahra governorate . We express our gratitude and appreciation for all these efforts by the leadership of the Center and researchers and interested in the Mehri language.
And regional and international support undertaken by the Center to preserve the language and what is related to it, as well as the ancient customs and traditions of Al Mahra.

Salem Abdullah Nimer

Deputy Governor
Secretary General of the Local Council of Al-Mahra Governorate

It’s a pleasure to visite the Center of Mehri Language in Al-Ghaydah, and I was pleased to learn about the scientific effort that is being exerted in this center and the resulting solid scientific publications that seek to preserve this language and revive its vocabulary to preserve the Mehri gift to this region and its Arab residents.

I wish those in charge of this center every success and pray to God Almighty to help them perform this great task.

Prof. Salem Mubarak Al Obathani

Vice President of Hadhramout University for Student Affairs

I have the honor to visit the center (the Mehri Language Center) andIt’s a pride to have a qualified cadre working in this center, which in a short period of time was able to accomplish great works, inevitably will make a qualitative leap and preserve the heritage and the Mehri language, which is the most important rare and rich national heritage that generations can benefit from it in many areas, which requires all official and popular authorities to pay attention to it and to develop the center, which needs a lot of support and assistance, especially in the presence of a management full of activity, vitality, responsibility and attention, despite the scarcity of capabilities, but it did a lot.

Ali Salem bin Muhaisen Balhaf

Director General of the Office of Planning and International Cooperation. Al Mahra Governorate


During my visit to the city of Ghaydah, I had the pleasure of visiting the Mehriya Language Center for Studies and Research and was very pleased to learn about the efforts made by the Centre to preserve the cultural, artistic and linguistic heritage in Al Mahra, Such efforts represent us all as Yemen.

The guardians of collective memory and linguistic examination are very similar in Yemen, the center and its cadres, and all those in charge of it are guardians of our history, and we are proud of them and their wonderful and priceless efforts.

Dr. Fahad Abdul-Momen Abdullah

Executive Director of Yemen Partners International


It is an honor to see this center proud with the arms of its sons and those who are interested in all of our heritage and in the heritage of the Mehri language, which is one of the Semitic languages and one of the ancient Arabic languages that is not hidden from any knowledgeable and educated person. That is why once again we say, May Allah support them who are in this position and make them an asset to the Arab and Islamic nation and to us .

Sheikh / Saeed bin Saeed Zabanout

Retired journalist at Omani TV and researcher specializing in history and language


Today, Monday, 27/7/2020,It’s a pleasure to visit the Mahra Language Center, and my happiness was indescribable when I met Dr. Saeed Al Qamiri, the Executive Director of the Center.

As well as I was  honoured to attend and launch the of the Centre, which took place on 2 December 2017.

We hope that the Centre will develop a way of studying and researching the Mehria language and encouraging researchers in this field.

Wishing all the best

Ali Omar Abdul-Razzaq bin Awaid Al-Jaafari


Praise be to Allah , prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after:

I visited the Mehri Language in the hospitality of Dr. Saeed Najadan Al-Qumairi. I was pleased with the center’s interests, future vision and scientific ambitions.

The most prominent activity that aroused my admiration and interest was the field activity in collecting and documenting the Mehri language in my subject matter complex.

I ask Allah to grant success to those in charge of the center in achieving scientific and cultural aspirations to serve science and culture.

Prof. Ameen Abdullah Muhammad Al-Yazidi

Deputy Dean of Education Faculty -Al-Mahra for Postgraduate Studies


I and my colleague Mr. Hassan Shuja Al-Din were honored to visit the Mehri Language Center and learned about the serious professional effort in the center by the brothers in the management of the center. I look forward to learning some Mehri words to satisfy the passion to learn about Mehri culture.

I wish them good luck

Ali Saif Hassan

President of the Yemeni Policy Development Forum


We are the bright paths program team for Al-Ghad Al-Mashriq channel during our visit to Al-Mahra, specifically the Mehri Language Center for Studies and Research, to create a success story. we are pleased with all the dedication we found in work, organization, arrangement, and hard work.

With sincere sympathy and appreciation for them.

Mohamed Mosaed Saleh and Fatima Ismail

Bright paths program team for Al-Ghad Al-Mashriq channel


Honestly, I am very happy to visit this language center and I was pleased when I saw that there was all the interest in it and these mighty works of writing books, linguistic publications, electronic archiving, and the field of archives and audio, so I wish it continuity and advancement of the Mehri language and preserving it from extinction.

Faiz Ali Sohail

Director of the Office of Social Affairs and Labor – Al-Mahra


On this day, 14/12/2021,  It’s a pleasure  to visit the Mehri Language Center in the city of Al-Ghaydah and met with Dr. Saeed Al-Qumairi and was pleased with what I saw and witnessed remarkable achievements and interest represented in a group of documented publications of the Mehri language reflecting the extent of interest in this center’s linguistic and national heritage. On the other hand, we are pleased to offer all the meanings of thanks and appreciation to the brothers in charge of the center for their service. Dr. Saeed, director of the center, and the brothers in the leadership of the local authority, asking the Almighty God to guide them to more achievements.

Dr. Ahmed Kulaib

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Technical Education for Vocational Training



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