On Thursday, 31/12/2020, Dr. Saeed Al-Qamiri, Executive Director, Office of the Centre, met the delegation of Yemen Partners, consisting of Prof. Abdel Hakim Al-Afiri, Head of organization , and Dr. Fahd Abdulmumin, Executive Director ·
he convey to them the greetings of the director of the Centre, Prof. Aamer Fael Belhajaf, and all the members of the Council of Representatives and thanked them for their visit.
For their part, the delegation commended the efforts of the Centre to revive and publicize the Mehri culture and welcomed the future partnership between the Centre and the organization in cultural and research subjects.
At the end of the meeting, the director of the center presented the new publications of the center to the visiting delegation and some documents related to the Mehri Alphabetical , which were previously announced by the center.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ali Salem Muhaisen, Deputy Director of the Office of Planning and International Cooperation, and Eng. Abdulrahman Ali Khodam, Coordinator of the Stability Support Program in Yemen of the Yemen Partners Organization