Governor Al-Mahra meets with the leadership of the Mehri Language Centre for Studies and Research

Governor Al-Mahra meets with the leadership of the Mehri Language Centre for Studies and Research met with Professor Muhammad Ali Yasser, Governor of Mahra Province, led by the Mehriya Language Centre for Studies and Research, who congratulated him on the occasion of Eid al – Adha  and briefed him on the nature of the Centre’s activities and the plans that would be working on during the coming periods.

Dr. Saeed Najadan Al-Qumairi, The Executive Director of the Center, also gave an official invitation to the governor to attend the inauguration of the book “Mehri Poetry… Its Artistic and Aesthetic Features and Its Compositional Composition” by researcher Abdul Majeed bin Awaid Al-Jaafari, which is scheduled to be held next Wednesday, corresponding to August 12, at the center’s headquarters.

In his turn,  Prof. Mohammed Ali Yasir, welcomed the invitation, indicating his willingness to attend , Guiding the Centre  leadership to the need to redouble its efforts and to continue to work to document the intellectual and cultural heritage of the Mahra Conservancy and to make it better known to all interested scholars worldwide.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Anwar bin Qashin Kalashat, Secretary General of the Center, and Prof.  Saad Muslim bin Ghafilah Kalashat, Head of the Linguistic Documentation Office at the Center.