Mahri linguistic munition project (future project)

Mahri linguistic munition project is one of the strategic projects that will serve the Mehri language to serve the age, so to speak. A project will be implemented by the Mehri Language Center for Studies and Research in Al Mahra Governorate. The views discussed to be implemented and the importance of initiating the service of future and the Arab and Islamic generations, and their language is an integral part of Arabs and Muslims.

This project is a consolidation of the legitimacy of the Mahri linguistic community, as this language is threatened with extinction, and the reasons that will lead to its end as a minority language of the pure Arabs must be confronted.Europe and America have become aware of the importance of minority languages ​​and have enacted laws to protect and empower them, as well as followed in their footsteps by Russia, which enacted a law making all languages ​​in the position of national property, and many countries have woven into this vein, and UNESCO issued statements on the rights of individuals belonging to linguistic minorities twenty-eight years ago  , followed by years of the Declaration of Linguistic Rights, which was issued in Barcelona.

Project aims to:

This project is based on the idea of ​​making use of the computer, taking advantage of its great speed in language treatment, and its amazing ability to store millions of linguistic contents in its memory, to create an automated language bank for the Mahari language, containing the most important things that have been edited over the past years.  This automated bank will be at the disposal of any researcher anywhere in the world who is interested in the Mahari language, so he can use the computer to get what he wants information, and he will get that  as quickly as possible, and he will not need to spend long hours, days and months to read the sources.

This project is closer to the work done by some Arab and non-Arab institutions in storing some texts, and an example of this in Arabic: the Holy Quran, the Prophet Hadith , and the Arab poetry in various vice, and wrote history, mentality and many others, and we have a good library as an example. The ammunition is an automated linguistic ammunition of a bank of direct linguistic texts on different levels, and the most important character is to facilitate the investigation of what he wants, with the speed and inclusiveness of information.

Objectives of the project :

  1. An automated bank of the already used Mahri language (text bank).
  2. A comprehensive automatic dictionary of the Mahari language with the Arabic equivalent (a glossary of topics or vocabulary).

Benefits of completing this project:

  1. Protecting the Mahri language from extinction , and preserving its linguistic heritage from being lost, as there are no real scientific linguistic projects working to preserve, document and care for it, as it is an ancient Arab human heritage.
  2. The great linguistic benefit for researchers and those interested in the Mahri language, especially if we know that the field of research in it has become large in recent years, if the attention of Arab researchers and others turn to it study, scrutiny and analysis.
  3. This project represents a large and comprehensive cataloging of the Mahari language, whether it remains in its oral state or what human thought has produced about it.
  4. The speed of obtaining what the researcher and interested person asks, which is a speed that we do not exaggerate if we say that it approaches the speed of light thanks to modern technologies and powerful automated means, and exploiting it as it is exploited nowadays in all fields.